View satellite images of your city

explore your city


View satellite images of your city or from anywhere in the world with these apps.

Exploring your city can be an exciting and eye-opening experience.

From discovering new restaurants and shopping malls to discovering hidden treasures in local parks, there are endless possibilities to explore.


Now, thanks to satellite imagery of your city, you can get a bird's-eye view that brings a new perspective to your exploration journey.

With satellite images of your city at your fingertips, you'll be able to see the complete layout of where you live:

from bustling streets lined with shops and restaurants to quiet residential neighborhoods tucked away from it all.

Whether you're looking for ideas on the best way to explore your surroundings or just want a unique way to see where you live, satellite imagery technology is here for you!

So come on this adventure and start exploring what lies within your city limits – you won't regret it!

Explore the whole world

Exploring the world has never been easier with satellite imagery technology.


From your own backyard to the farthest corners of the earth, you can now view detailed images of cities, landscapes and more from the comfort of your own home.

With satellite imagery, a whole new world is just a few clicks away!

Take a tour around the world and explore places you've never been before.

From the soaring heights of Mount Everest to the depths of the Great Barrier Reef and remote islands in Indonesia, satellite imagery brings distant locations right into your living room.

Check out natural wonders like Norway's Pulpit Stone or get a bird's-eye view of famous sites like the New York City skyline or Cairo's Pyramids.

Discover something new every day with updated satellite images – it's like being there without leaving your home!

See now the two best apps to view satellite images:

Google Earth

O Google Earth is a web-based interactive mapping service that helps users explore the world from their computers or mobile devices.

It provides a 3D view of our planet and allows users to zoom in on different parts of the map and view satellite images of cities, towns, mountains, rivers and other geographic features.

With Google Earth, you can explore a variety of geographic data layers, such as terrain maps, population density maps, and historical maps – all available with high-resolution imagery.

Also, Google Earth lets you search for places by name or get directions from one place to another.

You can also easily save your favorite locations for future reference.

With its simple interface and powerful tools, Google Earth makes it easy to explore the beauty of our planet without leaving your home!

Google Maps

O Google Maps is a popular app used by millions of people around the world.

With this app, users can view satellite images of their city, as well as search for local businesses and other locations.

The satellite view feature allows users to get a bird's-eye view of the area they live in or plan to visit, allowing them to explore new places in detail.

From an educational point of view, Google Maps can be used as a powerful tool for teaching geography and urban planning.

By exploring cities from different angles, users can gain insight into how cities develop over time and how various landmarks shape the landscape seen from above.

Also, teachers can use it as a tool for students to research and study different areas around the world easily.