See cities through aerial images created by satellites


Did you know you can see cities by aerial images created by satellites?

Have you ever been curious to travel the world through your computer?

If you've always wanted to explore the world without leaving your home, now there's an app for that.


There are apps that offer high-resolution aerial footage of cities around the world, so you can virtually visit landmarks like the Eiffel Tower or the Taj Mahal.

The best part? You can do all this from the comfort of your sofa.

So, if you're curious about what other parts of the world are like, follow the tips below.

Apps to view aerial images of cities

Looking for a way to get a bird's-eye view of your favorite cities?


Currently, there are several applications that allow users to view aerial images of cities around the world.

A popular option is Google Earth, which offers high-resolution satellite images of urban areas in many countries. Another option is Google Maps, which also provides detailed satellite images of selected cities.

These apps are great for getting a unique perspective on familiar landmarks and exploring new places without having to leave your home.

So if you're planning a trip or just curious about what the world looks like from above, be sure to check out one of these city view apps!

Google Earth

O Google Earth is a free app that allows users to see cities from an aerial perspective.

Users can zoom in and out of cityscapes and get a bird's eye view of buildings, streets and landmarks.

Google Earth also provides information about specific locations, such as historical facts or current events.

Google Maps

Google Maps is a great way to see cities from above.

You can get a bird's-eye view of the cityscape and see landmarks and other features that you might not be able to see from the ground.

The app is easy to use and you can zoom in and out to get a better view of the area.

You can also save locations and create custom maps in Google Maps.

Now you can travel the world without leaving your home.

See? Now, with these tips, it is already possible to travel the world without leaving home.

Just be connected to an internet network and choose the city where you want to travel.

Thus, it turns out to be a great way to explore cultures, tourist sites and expand knowledge.