App to connect to wifi without paying


Did you know there is a app to connect to wifi without paying? Follow the text and find out!

There is a new app that is quickly making the rounds on the internet and it is called “Wifi Map”.

The app's premise is simple: it allows users to connect to wifi hotspots without having to pay for the service.


How does the app work?

The app works by crowdsourcing data from its users.

Whenever a user logs into a new wifi hotspot, he can add the location and password to the Wifi map database.

That way, other users can simply open the app and find a list of nearby Wi-Fi hotspots they can connect to, without having to pay a dime.

So far, the app has been incredibly popular with over 1 million downloads in just a few weeks.


And it's not hard to see why – who doesn't love free wifi?

The benefits of using the app

The app is very user-friendly and easy to use.

It does not require any special skills or knowledge to operate.

Once you download the app, you can start using it right away.

The app will automatically connect you to the nearest free Wi-Fi hotspot.

This is very convenient, especially if you are traveling and don't want to spend money on data roaming charges.

The app is also great for saving battery.

When you're connected to a free Wi-Fi hotspot, your phone doesn't have to work as hard to find and maintain a connection.

This can help extend battery life by a significant amount.

How to get the app

Assuming the reader has an Android phone, follow these instructions to download the app:

  • Access to Google Play Store
  • select the application
  • Click “Install”
  • Wait for the app download to finish


There are many different ways to pay for wifi, such as accessing the network through an unsecured connection for example.

However, the best way to avoid paying for wifi is to use an app that lets you connect to the network without paying.

As seen here, there are many different apps that offer this service and they all have their own set of features.

However, they all allow you to connect to the Internet without paying for it.